We use no (= not a or not any) before a noun
There´s no lock on the door
There are no letters for you today
We´ve got no milk
We can use NO before singular countable nouns eg lock, plural countable nouns eg letters and uncountable nouns eg milk.
NO is more emphatic than "not a" or "not any" eg There isn´t a lock on the door. There aren´t any letters for you today.
NONE is a pronoun; we use it alone, without a noun.
Are there any letters for me today? No, none, I´am afraid
How much milk have we got? None.
Before my, this, the, etc or an object pronoun eg us, them, we use none of.
None of my friends have seen the film.
None of the photographs were very good.
None of us have any money.
When we use none of with a plural noun, the verb can be singular or plural.
None of my friends have/has seen the film.
A singular verb is more formal.
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