CNN: Cable News Networks
UFO: Unidentified Flying Object
SCUBA: Self Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus
IBM: International Business Machines Corporation
VHS: Video Home System
DVD: Digital Versatile Disc or Digital Video Disc
SNAFU: Systems Neatly All Fucked UP
LASER: Light Amplification By Stimulated Emission or Radiation
RADAR: Radio Detection and Ranging
NATO: North Atlantic Treaty Organization
FAQ: Frecuently Asked Question (s)
CD-ROM: Compact Disc Read Only Memory
DNA: Deoxyribonucleic Acid
SPEG: Joint Photographics Experts Group
ATM: Automated Teller Machine
BCE/A.D: Before The Common Era
EU: European Union
NAFTA: North American Free Trade Agreement
4WD: Four Wheel Drive
AWD: ALL Wheel Drive
CIA: Central Intelligence Agency
FUBAR: (Fucked Up) Fouled Up Beyond All Recognition (Beyond All Repair)
FIDO: Latin Fidus
ABS: American Boys Scouts
TLC: Trades And Labour Council
viernes, 3 de octubre de 2008
miércoles, 1 de octubre de 2008

We use no (= not a or not any) before a noun
There´s no lock on the door
There are no letters for you today
We´ve got no milk
We can use NO before singular countable nouns eg lock, plural countable nouns eg letters and uncountable nouns eg milk.
NO is more emphatic than "not a" or "not any" eg There isn´t a lock on the door. There aren´t any letters for you today.
NONE is a pronoun; we use it alone, without a noun.
Are there any letters for me today? No, none, I´am afraid
How much milk have we got? None.
Before my, this, the, etc or an object pronoun eg us, them, we use none of.
None of my friends have seen the film.
None of the photographs were very good.
None of us have any money.
When we use none of with a plural noun, the verb can be singular or plural.
None of my friends have/has seen the film.
A singular verb is more formal.
viernes, 12 de septiembre de 2008
The term multiculturalism generally refers to a state of racial, cultural and ethnic/diversity within the demographics of a specified place, usually at the scale of an organization such as school, business, neighbourhood, city or nation. Some countries have official, or the Jure policies of multiculturalism aimed at recognizing, celebrating and maintaining the different cultures or cultural identities within that society to promote social cohesion. In this context, multiculturalism advocates a society that extends equitable status to distinct cultural and religious groups, with no one culture predominating.
Is an international centre for research, education and exchange about the values, practices and policies that support pluralist societies. Based in Ottawa, Canada, the Centre seeks to assist the creation of successful societies and was founded on the premise that tolerance, openness and understanding towards the cultures, social structures, values and faiths of other peoples are now essential to the survival of an interdependent world. It functions as a global repository and a source of knowledge and know-how about fostering pluralistic values, policies, and practices. It aims to work with countries to nurture successful civil societies in which every citizen, irrespective of cultural, religious or ethnic differences, is able to realize his or her full potential. it includes the promotion of democracy and good governance, a more equitable sharing of the world's resources between developed and developing countries, and the projection of Canadian values, such as the rule of law, human rights and respect for diversity.
The Act for the Preservation and Enhancement of Multiculturalism in Canada was passed in 1985, with minor organizational amendments since that time. Its stated objectives are to:
a)recognize and promote the understanding that multiculturalism reflects the cultural and racial diversity of Canadian society and acknowledges the freedom of all members of Canadian society to preserve,enhance and share their cultural heritage.
b)It is a fundamental characteristic of the Canadian heritage and identity and that it provides an invaluable resource in the shaping of Canada's future.
c)promote the full and equitable participation of individuals and communities of all origins in the continuing evolution and shaping of all respects of Canadian society and assist them in the elimination of any barrier to such participation.
d)recognize the existence of Communities whose members share a common origin and their historic contribution to Canadian society, and enhance their development.
e)ensure that all individuals receive equal treatment and equal protection under the law, while respecting and valuing their diversity.
f)encourage and assist the social, cultural, economic and political institutions of Canada to be respectful and inclusive of Canada's multicultural character.
g)promote the understanding and creativity that arise from the interaction between individuals and communities of different origins.
h)foster the recognition and appreciation of the diverse cultures of Canadian society and promote the reflection and the evolving expressions of those cultures.
i)preserve and enhance the use of languages other than English and French, while strengthening the status and use of the official languages of Canada
j)advance multiculturalism throughout Canada in harmony with the national commitment to the official languages of Canada.
a)Allienates people
c)Political correctness gone crazy (banning bibles in hospital)
d)Community decision
e)Causes family breakdown
f)Increased crime levels
g)Creates ethnic gangs
a)Larger variety of food
Multicultural education relates to education and instruction designed for the cultures of several different races in an educational system. This approach to teaching and learning is based upon consensus building, respect, and fostering cultural pluralism within racial societies. Multicultural education acknowledges and incorporates positive racial idiosyncrasies into classroom atmospheres. Because of Chilean solid economy a lot of foreign people, specially from Latin American countries like Peru, Colombia, Argentina came to Chile to have a better life and those out comers are now inserted in our Chilean educational system without any discrimination at all. The same happens with good and bad students, nowadays they are all mixed up in the same class and they are not divided into levels according marks. Handicapped and disabled students are accepted in normal schools.
The term multiculturalism generally refers to a state of racial, cultural and ethnic/diversity within the demographics of a specified place, usually at the scale of an organization such as school, business, neighbourhood, city or nation. Some countries have official, or the Jure policies of multiculturalism aimed at recognizing, celebrating and maintaining the different cultures or cultural identities within that society to promote social cohesion. In this context, multiculturalism advocates a society that extends equitable status to distinct cultural and religious groups, with no one culture predominating.
Is an international centre for research, education and exchange about the values, practices and policies that support pluralist societies. Based in Ottawa, Canada, the Centre seeks to assist the creation of successful societies and was founded on the premise that tolerance, openness and understanding towards the cultures, social structures, values and faiths of other peoples are now essential to the survival of an interdependent world. It functions as a global repository and a source of knowledge and know-how about fostering pluralistic values, policies, and practices. It aims to work with countries to nurture successful civil societies in which every citizen, irrespective of cultural, religious or ethnic differences, is able to realize his or her full potential. it includes the promotion of democracy and good governance, a more equitable sharing of the world's resources between developed and developing countries, and the projection of Canadian values, such as the rule of law, human rights and respect for diversity.
The Act for the Preservation and Enhancement of Multiculturalism in Canada was passed in 1985, with minor organizational amendments since that time. Its stated objectives are to:
a)recognize and promote the understanding that multiculturalism reflects the cultural and racial diversity of Canadian society and acknowledges the freedom of all members of Canadian society to preserve,enhance and share their cultural heritage.
b)It is a fundamental characteristic of the Canadian heritage and identity and that it provides an invaluable resource in the shaping of Canada's future.
c)promote the full and equitable participation of individuals and communities of all origins in the continuing evolution and shaping of all respects of Canadian society and assist them in the elimination of any barrier to such participation.
d)recognize the existence of Communities whose members share a common origin and their historic contribution to Canadian society, and enhance their development.
e)ensure that all individuals receive equal treatment and equal protection under the law, while respecting and valuing their diversity.
f)encourage and assist the social, cultural, economic and political institutions of Canada to be respectful and inclusive of Canada's multicultural character.
g)promote the understanding and creativity that arise from the interaction between individuals and communities of different origins.
h)foster the recognition and appreciation of the diverse cultures of Canadian society and promote the reflection and the evolving expressions of those cultures.
i)preserve and enhance the use of languages other than English and French, while strengthening the status and use of the official languages of Canada
j)advance multiculturalism throughout Canada in harmony with the national commitment to the official languages of Canada.
a)Allienates people
c)Political correctness gone crazy (banning bibles in hospital)
d)Community decision
e)Causes family breakdown
f)Increased crime levels
g)Creates ethnic gangs
a)Larger variety of food
Multicultural education relates to education and instruction designed for the cultures of several different races in an educational system. This approach to teaching and learning is based upon consensus building, respect, and fostering cultural pluralism within racial societies. Multicultural education acknowledges and incorporates positive racial idiosyncrasies into classroom atmospheres. Because of Chilean solid economy a lot of foreign people, specially from Latin American countries like Peru, Colombia, Argentina came to Chile to have a better life and those out comers are now inserted in our Chilean educational system without any discrimination at all. The same happens with good and bad students, nowadays they are all mixed up in the same class and they are not divided into levels according marks. Handicapped and disabled students are accepted in normal schools.
jueves, 10 de julio de 2008
Reflection about Malba`s class
I got a lot more familiarized with technology and now I can feel secure whenever I turn on a computer: In this class we created our personal blog with experiencies taken from the oral classes given at the university and we gave our personal opinion about relevant subjects like mass media, the use of cell phones, our position as students and so on. It is an interesting subject and at the same time something completely new as a tool to develop several skills which are going to be helpful for us as future English teachers.
martes, 8 de julio de 2008
Lesson 12 Wells: Basics

We saw the quantifiers for countable, noncountable and both countable and noncountable nouns. We also discussed about what kind of foods we like and we worked in small groups chose one of the situations given by the teacher and planned an appropiate meal, the meal should consist of at least three courses and the situations were for a friend who´s on a diet up to for a friend of yours and her new boyfriend. The boyfriend is a vegetarian.
Lesson 9 Wells: Soaps
Lesson 7 Wells: PARTY !!!
I learnt all the necessary vocabulary related to parties like clubbing, dancing and so on. We also knew about an important celebration that is held in Valencia (located in Spain) "las Fallas". I do love dancing It is the only way I can relax for a while......
lunes, 16 de junio de 2008
English class given by Wells

On Monday the 19th of June, It was a very useful class because He taught the parts of a letter and He divided the draft into three parts 1) the opening 2) the body 3) the closing. The flow of ideas needs rhythm. We have to jot down the point we wish to make. Then set them out in logical order, so that one flows to the next. Connect them up, if you like, with a general theme, start with the theme and then elaborate point by point. "A fine letter , like a handsome man, must have form and shape".
jueves, 15 de mayo de 2008
Mass media is in charge of keeping the whole society informed about the latest events that has happened second by second over the planet. It is very useful, newspapers for instance like " El Mercurio" are trusty because they inform, educate, entertain, make propaganda when politics is involved and gossip about famous people trying to take photographs in an unflattering and compromising pose so as to publish them on the first page, therefore the newspaper is going to increase their clients or sales.
martes, 6 de mayo de 2008
Work Expectations

I would like to work in a school for several years as to obtain experience as a trainee teacher in English language, then I would like to study Montessory methodology because it is one that levels up the students with the teaching environment. Secondly, I would like to give myself the confidence to write something interesting about education because this subject needs to do a lot more research about it so as to improve education.
As a Student
My experience as a student hasn`t been easy, I do love English language but when I started to study the English grammar and phonetics, It was all mixed up in my head. My pronunciation is awful and I still have crucial mistakes in grammar though I don´t feel confident on them both.
The easiest subject is when It comes the time of speaking because I am a talktative person so I try to do my best to communicate in English language but when I am giving an oral test I feel very anxious and nervous that I can not speak fluently.
The easiest subject is when It comes the time of speaking because I am a talktative person so I try to do my best to communicate in English language but when I am giving an oral test I feel very anxious and nervous that I can not speak fluently.
Hello Iam katia
I am studying English language at Ucinf University at the moment, and I am quite happy doing this because It was one of my dreams since I was a little girl. I like teaching to others, I think is the most rewarding activity I could ever have. My special hobby is cooking cakes and Christmas pudding and on the other hand I am very good at cycling too.
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